Using technology to market your professional service continues to change as new ways to reach clients evolve. Today’s biggest challenge for finding new customers is “how to fill the sales channel.” Advances in technology provide new ways to support the sales cycle by increasing traffic to your website and creating buzz around your brand. In the past, leads and new clients were attracted by expensive advertising and public relations campaigns. Now, content marketing is paying huge dividends for firms willing to make a plan and stick with it.
What is content marketing? The concept behind content marketing is to pull customers to you as opposed to push. The purpose is to pull in customers by consistently creating relevant content with the purpose of changing or enhancing consumer behavior. The key word is consistent and proves most valuable when integrated into your overall marketing strategy. You own the media; you’re not renting it.
What are the benefits?
- Convenience and speed. Buyers now expect to find out about your service on their own time. Utilizing relevant social media and your website gives buyers information about your service 24/7.
- Familiar process. Everyone’s online and uses the Internet to search, buy, research and inquire.
- Tightens customer bonds. When you are using social media or blogging, it’s a two-way conversation. Open the door and let your customer engage with you. Build on your brand by including them in the conversation.
- Improves organic search. Frequent activity online such as posting to your news, blog or website will help users find you.
- Fosters trust. For professional services companies, trust is a key component to why you are selected. When companies continuously publish credible content, the honest exposure earns a potential client’s trust.
How do you establish a good plan?
- Start with outlining your goals and objectives. Is it to gain new customers or improve your search ranking? Set a goal in your analytics and check in to see how the campaign is reaching those goals.
- Plan the campaign. To reach your goal, determine the best content marketing mix that will help you get there. Start by looking at your website and social media engagement along with content management and automation tools.
- Establish accountability. Make a schedule and stick to it. Smaller businesses have a challenge and will be successful when everyone knows who is doing what and when.
The beauty of content marketing is that it builds on itself. You can start with a small campaign, i.e., start with utilizing your social media platforms a few times a week. Build on that. The more content you push out, the better your potential client will be pulled toward you.
About Comet Creative
Located in Carlsbad, Comet Creative is a full-service branding, design and marketing firm specialized in AEC Marketing. Website: