Don’t let this slip the marketing agenda – update your project profiles on your website!
For the most part, websites can be left to exist online without much attention, with the exception of updating new projects to your “Project Profiles” section. Updating this section is imperative to staying current in the eyes of your clients. A recent survey by Studio 2055 showed that the majority of click-throughs to client sites went to “current projects.” Website visitors are interested in your activity and the results.
Studio 2055 updated the “Project Profiles” section on Hope Engineering‘s website, resulting in up-to-date information for current and potential customers. The projects are categorically organized resulting in an intuitive navigation interface. Impressive professional photos illustrate the final projects.
What makes a great Project Profile page?
- Professional photographs of the completed project
- Clean design and intuitive user interface
- Categorically organized
- Project title, location and brief description including specs, materials and resources
- Include call-to-action button to “Contact us,” “Get quote,” “Request proposal,” etc.

Follow up:
Be prepared to follow-up with requests for more information from interested viewers. An automated e-mail response letter should be sent to anyone who wants more information.
Automated E-mail Response:
This e-mail response letter is an important sales tool and can be customized to support your sales team. For an example of a branded, sample e-mail response letter with links to custom data sheets that you can implement for your website inquiries, contact Studio 2055
For professional photography, contact Richard Dowdy via e-mail or 760.729.8205.