For your e-mail marketing campaign, how do you keep from being blacklisted and transferred to “Junk”, “Delete”, “Spam” or “Opt-Out”?
- Make sure there is a double “Opt-In” link to make sure the readers want to subscribe to your emails
- Remove all inaccurate and bounced email addresses
- Remove any emails that have filed a SPAM complaint
- Identify your company in the “From” & “Subject” field
- Send relevant and useful information rather than what readers would consider “junk”
- Proofread messages & links before sending
- Send professional e-mails
Studio 2055 uses MYEMMA for e-mail campaigns and includes the following recipient option information at the bottom of all emails.
By making sure the recipient has full control over the emails he/she receives and making the content relevant and professional, you will have a better success rate with keeping subscribers.