San Diego – Job Options, Inc., (JOI) a not-for-profit services supplier to military and government customers, is expanding its commercial-sector market. Having worked with Studio 2055 on many projects, Job Options turned to the Studio to come up with a new name, logo and branding.
This was an interesting challenge, as the new company provides the same services as JOI–yet to an entirely different audience. This new business will have the same values, services and management structure as JOI.
We applied our systematic Naming Value Strategy™ to the process, researching competitors and key company attributes–and presenting over 100 different names to the corporate officers. Ultimately, the final selection came down to Smart Options. It encompasses the “option” for customers to select from a broad range of services, while being “smart” in working with the company’s flexibility to provide unmatched quality and services.
Next the Studio dove into the corporate identity process. To chart the course, the Studio put its proprietary branding system, Brand Equity Value™, into action. This inside-out approach begins with the ambitions of the company leading to the focus on the intended audience. “It’s our goal to create brands that resonate with the customer and become loyal to for the long term.” said Nanette Newbry, Principal, Studio 2055.
The designers explored the client’s values, core message and point-of-difference. “Our creative processes are engaged when we know where the client wants to go.” says Newbry. Talking with the creative team, the evolution to incorporate the door came from “new opportunity and services.” The color blue connotes fresh and clean–an attribute associated with laundry and cleaning services. The stars incorporate sparkle…the “smart” way to go. The typography is straightforward, not fussy. “We came full circle and are pleased with the results” noted Leslie Rekettye, Graphic Designer at Studio 2055.
The new company offers commercial services in a range of areas, including laundry/linen, administrative, building maintenance, hospital clean room, landscape maintenance and hospitality services nationwide. “It is our combined confidence that our customer’s affiliation with the brand will endure and become an important asset to the company.” replied Jeff Johnson, COO, Job Options, Inc.