The Elephant Parade’s Final Farewell
As a final farewell, Richard and Nanette attended the grand auction for the Elephant Parade on November 17th at the Laguna Cliffs Marriott. For more than two months, the artist-inspired elephants were on exhibit throughout Dana Point. Invited by close friend and San Clemente native and artist Barry Berg, Richard and Nanette enjoyed the afternoon visiting with the elephant art works and taking part in the live auction to benefit the Asian Elephant Foundation.
Barry joined with organizers to lend his help to the Welcome to America Elephant Parade to benefit the Asian Elephant Foundation. Barry was the director of production for the accompanying book, Elephant Parade Dana Point. Along with his assistance with the commemorative book, Barry hosted two tables at the auction gala that he shared with colleagues and friends. To top off the afternoon, he successfully bid and won one of the 34 elephants presented.
Elephant Parade is the world’s largest open-air art exhibition of decorated elephant statues that seeks to attract public awareness and support for Asian elephant conservation. Dana Point was the first city in America to host the elephant charity.
The Asian Elephant Foundation auction sells the statues to benefit the foundation that supports protection for the dwindling Asian elephant population. In addition to the sale of exhibiting Elephant Parade elephants, 20% of Elephant Parade’s net profit is also distributed to The Asian Elephant Foundation. This generates a steady stream of ongoing income for the foundation.