The holidays are upon us and now is the time to plan your holiday marketing campaign. From greeting cards to party invites and calendars, these are great opportunities to share your company’s values and have a more personal approach to your marketing. How does your company want to send its goodwill and 2014 wishes?
• Email greeting to your entire list
• Animated greeting card —for inspiration, see our work for ID Studios
• Custom-designed greeting cards
• Invitation to a reception, party or special event
• Customized 2014 calendar or promotional item
• Announcement for a special service, terms or product offer
• Special holiday newsletter
This year we’ve been blessed with designing GIA’s (Gemology Institute of America) holiday calendar. It will be shipped around the world and provides the recipient with gorgeous images and factoids taken from their new Gem Encyclopedia. Thanks GIA!

“We wish you…”
If you could use some assistance and a burst of creativity this holiday season, send us an email and let’s get started!