What’s Your Cause?
Comet Creative is excited to announce its 2015/2016 sponsorship for the San Diego Chapter of the American Marketing Association. As a branding agency, we will provide consulting and creative services for AMA’s conference events. These include the upcoming Cause Conference, the Art of Marketing Conference and a new event scheduled for early 2016.
AMA’s Cause Conference
The upcoming Cause Conference is on May 8 and is for marketeres from purpose-driven organizations to come together to learn about marketing. Attendees will connect with leaders across the nation and learn new ways to promote their nonprofits. TED-style presentations along with action-packed networking sessions and vendor displays will help conference-goers gain more access and insight into best practices for their businesses.
About the Art
Here at Comet Creative we always collaborate on design concepts. When discussing the ideas for imagery for the Cause Conference, we came up with the idea of a tree. It’s a simple idea yet extremely effective in promoting the event. Our tree has these metaphors which represent the many aspects of the conference:
- Trees are natural. They represent all that is good in nature, and attendees work for the “good.”
- Our tree is growing, representing knowledge and the ability to grow and learn.
- The word “cause” is imbedded into the branches representing the networking and exchange of ideas that occurs during the conference.
- It’s whimsical. AMA San Diego knows how to have fun.
- The leaves depict the outgrowth of ideas and fresh insight coming to light.
- AMA’s color palette fits well with the design. It’s happy and connotes Spring.
The tagline of AMA San Diego is “learn, connect, excel.” So come excel, connect and learn at this year’s Cause Conference. Buy tickets here, and thanks to AMA San Diego.