Continued from “Getting Your Priorities Straight With E-mail Marketing”
E-mail marketing campaigns are maximized when paired with a robust e-mail list. One can send a great message but unless it is sent to people who are interested, it makes little difference. To build your e-mail list, use social media.
Target Your List
To build your e-mail list, take a look at the points online in which customers see your brand. Are they given “opt-in” opportunities to receive your newsletters, announcements, samples, trade show schedule or speaking events? These opt-in “call-to-action” opportunities can be links or buttons on website home pages, e-newsletters, blogs and inquiry response e-mails. They can also be on a company’s Facebook “Welcome” page or LinkedIn “Services” page.
Grow Your List
Don’t forget that once your e-mail marketing piece is sent, it can be “shared” by your readers – creating more readership and more opportunities for new subscribers. For this to happen, include social media icons in your e-mail and e-marketing correspondence. Below are “Share This” buttons at the top of LuminOre Inc.’s e-mail header. The reader can instantly share the information with their contacts by simply clicking the social icons.

A continuation of this post will be titled, “5 Steps to E-mail Marketing Success.” For the previous article, visit “Getting Your Priorities Straight With E-mail Marketing.”
More on the topic:
How Social Media Will Benefit Your Business